Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Meditation on Psalm 143

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are a Faithful Father
Always doing what is best for your children

I am a Wayward Child
Prone to listen to the roar of the Adversary

He roars
My inborn sinfulness
My broken helplessness
My bitter hopelessness

And I sink in
My own dark selfishness

 The Adversary provokes me sore
His frightful roaring is true
But only partly so
And a partial "truth" is a total lie

Your Perfect Truth is found in Jesus

Your Holy Spirit draws my gaze to see
His Cross and Empty Tomb
For my cleansing His blood and death
Conquers sin's hurt and doom
The Resurrected Spotless Lamb
By faith I have received
 Resting in Your Faithful Word
I will never live deceived!

 You have erased my shamefulness!
You replaced it with Your comeliness!
You have banished my fearfulness!
You give confidence in Your Worthiness!

O LORD, You are Worthy!

Of my trust!
Of my service!
Of my deepest love!

Teach me the Way of Thy lovingkindness
Strengthen me to proclaim the Greatness of Thy Goodness
Chasten me to keep the Path of Uprightness

Let Your Victory be noised abroad!
 You have bruised the head of the Adversary
 And there is no place found for him!

May you always receive
The Glory!
The Honor!
The Majesty!
 For Your Precious Name's Sake!


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