Friday, October 4, 2024

Prayer's Answer

Dear Father,

 I come to you in deep distress

To cast on You my care

I trust that You will hear my plea

And “Yes” You’ll answer me


Dear Child,

I know just what you need

Trust Me to know what’s best

Trials come to help you grow--

Accept the answer: “No”


But if not “no” or yet a “yes”

Still come with cares to Me

Sometimes I answer right away—

Sometimes with “Wait and see”


There are other answers that I give

That you may not understand

But through the darkest Valleys

Be sure that I hold your hand


Sometimes “Heaven” is an answer

For those you greatly love

And in those grieving moments

I send Grace down from above


Dear Child, I know your problems

I’ve felt each pain you bear

Let Me be the greatest answer

To your every heartfelt prayer



Proverbs 3:5-6, Hebrews 4:15-16, I Peter 5:7, Psalms 18:6, John14:18

There is one prayer request that God always says “Yes” to—Romans 10:13 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Two Crowns


Braiding the thorns that grew from my choice

Regrets woven with the ever-present sin

A crown of my making, leaving stripes deep red

A constant reminder, self-placed, upon my head 


Let Me take your thorny curse, My diadem you'll wear

I offer you my righteous robe, Your burden I will bear

I call you "My Beloved", come dwell beneath My wing

Straighten up your golden crown, O Daughter of the King!

Psalm 45:13, Isaiah 53:4-5, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Psalms 91:4

Psalms36:7, Genesis 3:1-24, John 19:5, Romans 9:25


Sunday, March 3, 2024

You Are Calling My Name


You whisper on the gentle breeze

And beckon with a moon beam

Branches from the birch tree

Seem to hasten me to come


The flowers by the wayside

Remind me to be still

To always rest inside Thy care

To walk within Thy Will


Once more You call in sunset’s blaze

I marvel at the sight

But the greatest wonder as You call

Is that You know my name at all