Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Seeking the Showers


Seeking the Showers


They were seeking the showers of blessing

But they looked at the wrong end of the hose

They waved it around with excitement

But nothing refreshed all their souls


But one man looked up unto Heaven

He caused them to God’s Word draw near

For only by Truth comes right feelings

He knew that they needed to hear


Don’t let your life get out of order

Emotions shouldn’t rule what you do

Let God’s Word show the facts—and how you should act

Then the showers of blessing pour through




I Kings 18:20-46


               Feelings are not a bad thing—God gave them to us so that we could enjoy the Truth. When we discover the facts, it causes or reveals emotion. Notice the joy of the Psalmist in Psalms 145! The problem today is that many people get it backwards. They think that if they discover their feelings, it causes or reveals the facts.


               Another thought along this line…if we let our emotions be based in facts, we should not be critical of emotional decisions because the facts are behind the emotions. Faith in the facts cause us to be moved to grief over sin, burden for sinners, and a host of other things. Facts and feelings can work together to get God’s people moving. (2 Corinthians 5:11)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Thinking with Yourself


Thinking with Yourself


It is so easy to listen to that little voice

Way down deep inside

The one that says “Take the easy road

It makes a smoother ride”


But another Voice is clearly heard—

The One we should really heed

The words that whisper “Take up the Cross”

Let this be our daily creed


So when trials come—and they often do

Don’t think thoughts just of you

Fellowship in the suffering of Christ

His grace will see you through




It All Depends on God!

Esther 4:13-17, Luke 11:2-10


1.      Thy Name—there is no other way to come to the Throne of Grace except through the Name of Jesus—worshiping together

2.      Thy Kingdom—yielding to God’s control in every area. This is letting the Word of God dwell in us richly in all wisdom—walking together

3.      Thy Will—putting down our own desires and thoughts and picking up what God wants for us—working together

4.      Thy Gifts—daily bread. Strength to do right

5.      Thy Forgiveness—healing and cleansing when we do wrong

6.      Thy Leading—Away from the temptation to listen to self. Just say No!

7.      Thy Delivering—We should not want to be part of anything that would hurt the cause of Christ.