Sunday, July 3, 2016

Revive Thy People!

Dear Lord,

Give us...
Compassion without compromise
Holiness without hypocrisy
Suffering without self-pity

We are...
Turning to You away from self
Guilty but forgiven
Rejoicing in the Lord alway!

Let The Rock that followed them in the      Wilderness
Flow with Living Water--the Washing  Water
Your Precious Word magnified above all  Thy Name
Revive the stones out of the rubbish heaps  of worldly living
Break the rocky hearts! Teach us the praise  of Your Name
Place each Pebble into the place prepared  for them--Provoking one another to love  and good works
Looking unto Jesus--Who is full of compassion, gracious, and longsuffering

The Author of Our Faith
The Finisher of His Work


Ps. 85, Neh. 4:2, Heb. 10:24-25, Is. 57:15,
Hab. 3:2, I Peter 2:1-11, Deut. 32

(The Washing of the Word includes the washing away our sins under the Blood of Jesus! Epe.5:26, Rom. 3:21-28)