Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sharpened Iron

I had walked a long and dusty road
The rocks were sharp and heavy my load
I stopped to rest at the house of a friend
Moments of quiet and peace to spend

She noticed my feet--and the look on her face!
"Those poor things-what an awful disgrace!"
She found water and basin, towel and soap
Her gentle ministration brought peace and hope

Just as the Saviour washed the feet of his men
From the dirt of the world that they walked in then
"Iron sharpeneth iron"with God's Word and prayer
 Reproof sent with love shows true Christian care


To my friend,
Who has "Washed
  My feet" with
Wise words and     kindness

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Attention! About face! March!
John 14:15 and 15:14

My former life is left behind
Sharp orders my obedience demand
So I listen closely to each command

There are no civilians in this army!
I Tim. 2:3 Epe. 6:13-17

Comfort is passed-- I don my new clothes;
Thoughts on eternal, Covered in Right
Strengthened with Truth and walking in Light

Do your duty, Soldier!
I John 1:9. Is. 59

Searching my heart, confessing sin
Little things--like keeping clean feet
Can win the war or cause defeat

Get ready, Men, here they come!
I This. 3:3-4

Suff'ring and sorrow are seen all around
 Fiery darts whistle fearful sounds
But having done all to stand, I stand

On my command... Charge!
John 11:25-26 and 15:13

The soldier must give all--his very life!
So setting affections on Heaven above
I lay down my will to show Godly love

Keep the lines of communication open!
Phil. 4:6-7. Epe. 6:18

I look to my Saviour-put worry to rest
 Praying with passion in each battle test
Trusting the Captain for He knows best!

Raise the flag--We've taken the ground!
I John 5:4. Ps. 60:4, 11-12  Song Sol. 2:4

The Captain of Salvation brings sweet victory
 Triumphant faith marches over enemy territory
 While hope raises this banner--God's love for eternity!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Prayer's Answer

Torrents of tears puddle on my table
My weeping was met with deafening silence...

           Just something tangible to hang

                "To hear..."

                        * * * * * * *

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". Heb. 11:1

"Charity suffereth never faileth." I Cor. 13

                         * * * * * * *

To see is not Faith
     To have is not Hope

        And if I stop listening 
               for Your answer, it is not


                          * * * * * * *

"Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee...nevertheless not what I will but what thou wilt." Mark 14:36

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Is. 26:3

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." Phil. 4:4

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Grudge

I'd walked the walls of the city everyday for months
Each circuit the journey grew smaller
As the walls grew higher
I should know because I built them myself

It started with a brick of bitter feelings
Building layer upon layer of unforgiveness
Mortared by a self-pitying pout
My heart screamed suffering--My head a justice shout

At times I would peek out the peep holes
Pin pointing more of my painful past
Adding yet another blinding brick
The walls soared skyward, the foundation deep

I had become trapped inside with only me
The darkness pulling my soul farther down
No hope, no joy, no peace
Not able to go forward, stuck on replay

Now the only way to look was up
And there I saw the light of My Saviour's Cross!
He, too, had endured hardship, rejection, loss
In a still small voice Christ said to me:

"My Child, for every sin my blood I gave
During my suffering I freely forgave
And let this truth be understood
What others may mean for evil, My Father can work for good

It is hard to kick against the pricks
Of Your Gentle Shepherd's hand
Will you follow Me--I call your name--
Or yield to sin's demand?"

 Trusting the Father's purpose and plan
My mind finally came to comprehend
Each time I let bitterness have a place
I'm holding a grudge against His Grace

Epe. 4:31-32.