Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Better and Better!

This week I have been reading the book of Ephesians. It has been so amazing to read about all that God wants to do for us and through us--but it MUST be done in Christ Jesus. Salvation from sin comes first (Epe. 2:8-9) followed by blessings and a sweet fellowship with God (Epe. 2:14).

As Prayer is made in Epe. 3:14-21, God tells us that He will do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us." It is like there is not enough adjectives to describe God's desire to bless those who leave the choice to Him.

Words cannot describe it, and intellect cannot comprehend it. Jesus loves me--always and forever. I have claimed His promises--and they are "exceeding abundantly above all"!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


I went flying today!

 Above hills and valleys
That fold into each other softly--
Green Forest bedspreads
Polka dotted with city 'scapes

And I was not alone--
For You were always with me

Renewing my strength
 Changing my perspective
 Enlarging my vision

 And I will follow, Father,
Watching You

Enjoying my delight in Your handiwork
 Singing songs over me with love
Filling my horizon with the Light
Of Your only Begotten Son

Yes, I went flying today--
And it was Heavenly!

Isaiah 40:31

(This is a poetic rendering of the joy found in reading the Word of God)