Monday, July 21, 2014

Nothing but the Truth

"Place your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand."

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth , and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do."


"You say that you know the Heavenly God
But others have testified that He is flawed
What have you heard--my questioning prods
Is He for real or is He a fraud?"


"Sir, I have heard He is Holiness and Love
He is All-Present, All-Knowing, and All-Above
He sees the Present, the Future, and past
He's Creator and King, the First and Last
He finds each sin repulsive and vile
Yet cares for all sinners who come like a child
His justice demanded our sin debt be paid
In mercy His wrath upon Jesus was laid


"So this is what you say you've heard
But what you tell seems quite absurd!
Don't just tell me of things you know
What have you seen yourself?-- Show!"


"I can tell you what is true
God is making old things new
It's not only believing His Word indeed
But Jesus filling my soul's deep need
He's love and joy and perfect peace
He from sin gave my heart release
My life is now a fresh, new song
Because to Him I truly belong"


"Do you wish to say more--is that quite all?
Will your story check should we recall?
Would a closer look began to reveal
A doubt or two you try to conceal?"


"I had doubts--but praise His name
He has taught me how to claim
Each promise written is my own
I can boldly approach His throne!
Asking for Mercy, Seeking His face
Getting His comfort and daily Grace
One thing more my heart desires
That this miracle in you transpires."


I John 5:20 and I Cor. 15:3-4
John 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

He. 4:13-16
