Friday, March 28, 2014

Thoughts about the "Broken Bird"

Acts 2:38
"…Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.."

We are told to repent (to think differently) and be baptized (immersed) in the name of Jesus Christ--not water or works.  Salvation begins with recognizing that I am a sinner. In Isaiah 53:6 it describes sin as being turned to my own way. This sin of pride separates me from God. I need to turn to Jesus Christ and trust His shed blood on the cross, His burial and resurrection to bridge the gap between us--Trusting God to keep his promise: "For whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved." ( Ro. 10:13) Trusting in anything or anyone--including myself--besides Jesus is a false salvation. 

Matt. 9:10-13

"…They that be whole need not a physician….I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

It seems that the more broken a person was, the more obvious it was that they needed  Christ to help them.  Self-righteousness gave a false sense of security to the Pharisees (Jewish religious leaders): however, the sinners knew their brokenness and came to Christ for His mercy.  They did not have to "fix themselves up" to come--He accepted with grace those who came to Him by faith: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Epe. 2:8-10)  He even gives us the faith necessary to trust the promise! He washes the sins away with His mercy and He renews us. The "doing" is God's job--mine is to "...hear the word of the gospel and believe. (Acts 15:7) He redeems us (buys us) from iniquity and then purifies us unto good works.

Once again, the Good News is all about Christ!  He creates the masterpiece of my life.  How I wish that I would always hold my hands and heart open for His working!  His working for His glory--Beautiful!

Monday, March 10, 2014

The True Tale of the Tiny Acorn

My single finger curls tightly
Hanging onto the end of a limb
If I can only hold myself up--
Clinging to what has been

"Lovest thou Me more than these?"
A quiet question on gentle breeze
My brown beret slid over my face
As I hid amongst the leaves

Softly a whisper--or maybe a sigh
"To fall on Me is the true path high"
But the blue ceiling seems closer
Than the rough and dirty floor.

Suspended from this stick I stay
And can't go up and won't go down
The sky at once began to frown
And then to cry on all around

The howling storm reveals this plight
My self-made struggle to hang on tight
Needs surrender to reach new height
To walk by faith in my Saviour's might

Yielding completely to God's own will
I close my eyes while time stands still
Trusting Him--releasing all
What is this?--a head long fall!

The brutal impact shook my soul
To reach higher had been my goal
Where is God when life gets tough?
Why struggle--it gets so rough!

Now I lay broken and shivering
In the Shadow Valley of Death
I grab some leaves and clods of earth
And pull them up over my head

"You are chosen to bring forth fruit!
Drink Living Water and send out root
All your weakness I will strengthen
My promise sure--your strong Foundation."

I stretched myself and found some toes!
I'd never before had any of those!
Squirming and wiggling through the dirt
New sensations--some of them hurt!

Once again self vainly tried
How did I have so much pride?
I turned to Jesus, "Lord, I thirst"
His answer: "Always seek Me first"

"The Living Water I freely give
Springs of joy that help you live"
Love washed all my doubts away
He's proven true-naught will sway!

Planted by His River cool
Dying to Self to let Him rule
Satisfied with His Direction
My life is up to His selection

The warming sunlight of His smile
Teaches patience in each new trial
Shedding the shell of former things
My spirit reaches up and in me sings!

I open my eyes to miracles unfolding
Too much love for me to be holding
Rising up to burst through sod
Giving praise to Almighty God

His Faithful Word a sturdy core
Tree trunk strong-I hunger more
Not performing or playing a part
Serving with peace and joy in my heart

My hair is full of nesting birds
Who sing their music without words
Digging deeper, stronger roots
Branches stretching bearing fruit

Every day He gives new grace
Seeing acceptance upon His face
His gentlenesss has raised me brave
Growing higher from my grave

Thursday, March 6, 2014


"So then, to tell my story, here I stand....You hear me speak, but do you hear me feel?"

Gertrude Kolmar, Holocaust victim

Others need someone to hear them feel--REALLY hear. I so need to learn how to close my mouth and open my ears! Just having someone listen can often be a big help. I think that is why God gave us prayer. He listens and brings His Word to our mind. I learn this way. It is just like putting a jig saw puzzle together out loud. 

Asking thoughtful and truly interested questions is another way to show you "feel". The Bible word for this is compassion. I love reading I Cor. 13--I pray for a Christlike love.

Just a little side note of appreciation to the people who have taken time to hear me feel. Thank you.