Sunday, February 23, 2014

"No Fear" 2

In my last post, I talked about God's love.  Someone questioned how such a Loving God could create Hell.  It does seem like a place of torture would be contrary to love, however, it proves God's love. 

God did not create Hell for people--it was created for Satan and his angels.  It was to be a holding place for all evil--because evil hurts and breaks.  Sin brings death. If God let sin remain unpunished, there would be no hope for wholeness and healing. God created man perfect--but gave him free will.  Using this power of choice, man chose sin.  Sin created a separation between a Holy  God and a fallen man. This is where love enters.  Even though man chose to turn away from God, God still chose to reach out to man.  Jesus Christ gave his life for ours--taking the entire punishment for sin upon himself by going to the cross. If anyone goes to Hell, it will be a personal choice.  God is not willing that any should perish--but He does not force us to accept His plan of escape.

Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

The title, "No Fear", may have been a misnomer.  A better title would have been "Freed from Frantic Fear". 

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

The fear mentioned in this verse speaks of a reverence for God. This is a good and necessary fear.  The fear I mentioned from I John 4:18 is defined as terror or a phobia and most of us have been there.

Fear is a self preservation emotion.  It allows us to realize that something is terribly wrong and needs to be fixed.  The fear of the Lord is when we realize His holiness and our sinfulness. Our sin problem needs to be fixed.  God is the judge--this means He has the power to sentence or pardon.  When our fear causes us to call on Him and ask for His pardon, He gives it--freely. Once fear is replaced by faith in the Cross of Christ, we can go forward to grow in love.  What once was broken is now whole. His Perfect love brings acceptance and forgiveness. The terror of eternal punishment is gone--"Fear not!"

For some this is more difficult than others--situations in life have given them legitimate reasons to fear and releasing it through faith seems too dangerous and impossible. These thoughts are not meant to trivialize this pain in any way.  God loves you and He specializes in the impossible.  He has infinite understanding of each person's situation. Every baby step of faith on our part is met by a giant leap of love on His.   

I hope this explanation is helpful--I am still learning! There is much about God and how He works that I do not understand.  I just accept it by faith. This blog is not intended to be a forum for debate or even a soapbox--it is more like my spiritual diary into which others can take a peek.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

No Fear

Have you ever noticed how many times, as God revealed Himself to man, that He said "Fear not!"?

Is it because we fear what we don't completely understand? Is it consciousness of our unworthiness?

Fear is where so many begin their walk with God. Learning to let go of perceptions and perspectives is a lot like falling. God says He will hold me with the right hand of His righteousness. His righteousness! Not  me doing a certain set of rules but instead letting Christ's cross be my answer. Faith is knowing He will catch me. He will keep His promise.

This is true because of God's love.

"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent
His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him"

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear..."

I John 4:9 and 18a

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fun with Words


With squirreling thoughts running 'round in my head
First this branch
Next that one
They need to be said!

The Red-headed pecker will pound up the beat:
Rat a tat
Rat a tat
 Rat a tat tat

My wiggling toes explore paths of the past
Precious and
Painful mix
Lessons that last

So standing in Sunshine or showering rain
Truth softly
Whispers its
Charming refrain

 Heart suddenly bursting with Glorious Song
I clap all my hands
And the birds
Sing along