Lot had a problem-he loved the pleasures of the world. Even though he knew the consequences of staying, he still hesitated to leave Sodom. The angels had to drag him. He lingered.
- First, he was slow to leave. When God convicts my heart of a sin, am I quick to let it go or do I hang on with a tight grip? Do I linger in places that are not glorifying to my Saviour?
- Next, He was slow to start. God has plans for me and for my family, but he limits himself to our obedience. Starting is only good if you finish. A slow start is almost as bad as no start.
- Last, his spiritual life was just remaining feebly alive. Even after leaving Sodom, we find that Lot had carried with him some sin. His daughters had to have found the wine in something that they had brought out of the city. They got him drunk and committed wicked things--things that they had learned in Sodom. Why do we think we will fare any better? Even a short stay in the world can have disastrous consequences.
There are some place that I want to linger--my quiet time with God, fellowship with other christians, and memory making with my family.